Skincare Quickies: Retin-A And Retinol

Skincare Quickies: Retin-A And Retinol

Skincare Quickies is our latest series, which gives you a short rundown on the key techniques, trends and ingredients relating to skincare. Consider this as your cheat sheet to an incredible complexion.


Retin-A and Retinols

What They Are And How They Work:

Retin-A and Retinols are both types of retinoids.

Retin-A (or Tretinoin) is a derivative of vitamin A and is generally found in prescription formulas. It converts directly into retinoic acid when applied on to skin.

Retinol is a metabolite of vitamin A and can be found over-the-counter. It first converts into an intermediate product before converting into retinoic acid.

Although both ingredients have the same effect, retinol is less potent and thus takes longer to show results. It is also less irritating to skin than Retin-A.

The Benefits:

Increased collagen production, fading of pigmentation, clearer pores and smoother skin.

The Side Effects:

Increased dryness, sensitivity to sunlight and peeling of skin.

The Method:

Although you can get non-prescription retinols, it’s best to consult with your dermatologist before using them.

Start by using these products two nights on, one night off i.e. four times a week. Since these ingredients breakdown in sunlight, it’s best to apply them at night. Let the product absorb fully before applying your nighttime moisturiser. Remember to apply suncreen the next morning.

Who Is It Suitable For:

Anyone concerned with aging, sun damage, and hyperpigmentation. Those with sensitive skin should opt for retinols, if approved by a dermatologist.

Who Is It Not Suitable For:

Pregnant women and people suffering from eczema, severe acne or rosacea.

Ingredients You Should Avoid When Using Retin-A And Retinols:

Vitamin C, benzoyl peroxide and alpha hydroxy acids

Posted on March 7, 2018 and filed under Skincare Quickies.